We’re the world’s largest independent funder of cancer research, investing over $400 million each year across prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
We do this because cancer is a global issue. The burden worldwide is on the rise, with 19.3 million new cases diagnosed in 2020 globally and 29.5 million new cases projected for 2040. We believe that by collaborating with global partners, we will bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
Our work to reduce global cancer burden with our partners includes:
Working with civil societies and research institutes around the world to grow a policy evidence base which can be used to call for regional, national or local change that will prevent cancer incidence in low- and middle- income countries Supporting world-class cancer research that brings together the best minds from around the globe to tackle cancer’s biggest challenges Partnering with and learning from organisations and government agencies within Europe who share our mission of beating cancer sooner Collaborating across multiple disciplines and continents to research and improve differences in outcomes for people with cancer.