Local Support Services
In Guildford
https://www.guildfordaction.org.uk/ provide a safe, non-judgmental refuge for people who’ve fallen through the net, or out of everyday society.
https://www.riverside.org.uk/in-your-neighbourhood/surrey/care-and-support/guildford-host/ Homeless Outreach Support Services
https://matrixtrust.com/ Christian charity providing a lifeline for vulnerable young people across Guildford Borough
https://www.halowproject.org.uk/ – Supporting young people with learning disabilities and autism
https://www.htsmguildford.org/ – Holy Trinity & St Marys Church
https://cocaineanonymous.org.uk - Freephone Helpline: 0800 612 0225
116 123 - Guildford Samaritans
https://gtcc.org.uk/ – Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy- Street Angels, Community Angels and Volunteer Chaplains
https://www.realchangeguildford.co.uk/ – Real Change Guildford – borough wide initiative to help end homelessness in Guildford
In Surrey
https://www.swsda.org.uk/ – South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Service
https://www.catalystsupport.org.uk/ Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Service in Surrey
https://www.prideinsurrey.org/ – LGBTQ+ advice and support
https://www.papyrus-uk.org/ – Prevention of young suicide
More support links
StreetSafe is a service for anyone to anonymously tell Police about public places where they feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, eg street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, eg being followed or verbally abused.
Please note: ‘StreetSafe’ is not for reporting crime or incidents, it is a way anyone can anonymously document concerns regarding any “dark spots” or “concerns regarding people congregating.
This then allows us to collate the information and tackle the issues.
Safe Places Guildford
Herbert Protocol | Surrey Police
The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves can fill in.
It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing, including:
• medication required
• mobile numbers
• places previously located
• a recent photograph
Pegasus card scheme | Surrey Police
Our Pegasus scheme is for people who find it hard to communicate with us – Police keep pre-registered information safe and we can access it quickly someone.
Anyone who has a disability or illness that may make it hard to communicate with the police in an emergency or difficult situation.
National Support Services
https://www.prideinsurrey.org/ – LGBTQ+ advice and support
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/bullying-and-cyberbullying/ – Bullying and Cyber-bullying advice for parents and carers of children
https://www.mentell.org.uk/ (Mentell provides circles for men aged 18+ to talk in a safe and confidential space free from advice and judgement)
Stay Alive is a suicide prevention app for the UK, packed full of resources, useful information, and tools to help you stay safe or help someone else: https://www.stayalive.app/find-help-now/resources-by-area/england/surrey/surrey-crisis-helpline/
What 3 words - what3words has divided the globe into 3m squares and given each one a unique 3 word address. It means everywhere can be located with just three words. It is available as a free app for iOS and Android and online map at map what3words.com.
Need help in a hurry?
If there isn't someone you can turn to and trust to help you immediately, you may want to call the Police on 101 for non-emergencies and 999 for emergencies.