Agatha Christie revelled in the use of poison to kill off unfortunate victims in her books; using them more frequently and accurately than any other crime writer.

This talk looks at how she used her extensive knowledge of drugs and medicines mixed with real life cases to create brilliantly plotted crime novels. We will look at howdunnit, but whodunnit is for you to find out!

Kathryn Harkup is a former chemist who has turned writer and science communicator. Her interests are in anything gothic, gory and geeky, and preferably all three!

This talk is part of our Window on the World series. Advance booking essential - Ā£7 for all.


The Guildford Institute

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  • From:
  • 13 Nov, 2024
  • To:
  • 13 Nov, 2024
  • Start time
  • 15:00
  • End time:
  • 16:15

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Ward Street, Guildford